Letter from Superintendent/Principal

Dear Parents:

The Floodwood School will be closed from March 18th to March 27th. These are days directed by Governor Walz to be used for teachers to plan for distance learning.

During these eight days, the students will be taking their tech devices home. Teachers will not be assigning homework during this time, but students are free to work on any missing assignments. The end of the quarter is March 25th. Grades will be based on assignments that were due by today.  Teachers will have the option to give an Incomplete if they feel a student needed more time to complete an assignment. These next eight days are not to negatively impact students.

Our school calendar had March 26th as a teacher inservice day (no school for students) and March 27th as a day off for students and staff. The school will be open for childcare for children of parents who work in a health field or law enforcement. However, this option is not available on March 26th and March 27th as they are scheduled days off.

Children who will be coming to the school for childcare have the option for transportation. 

Breakfast and lunch will be provided to those families who request it. Please contact Deb at (218) 476-2285 to let her know if you are interested in having meals delivered to your home. This service will be provided March 18th-March 25th. Meals will not be delivered on the scheduled days off of March 26th-27th.

Educational services, general education and special education, will resume on March 30th. These services may be in the building as a regular school day or could be through distance learning. At this point, we don’t know what the future holds. As we get information and updates, they will be sent to you.

Thank you for your patience during this time! We are all trying to navigate through this difficult time. If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help!


Dr. Rae Villebrun


Floodwood School: Preparing all students to succeed.